Bingo Cards, Caller and Flashboard
Bingo Maker allows you to make custom bingo cards and host a bingo game with from 25 to 3,000 cards per game. You can join your virtual game on the Public Games List Page. Players can have from 1 to 4 virtual bingo cards each or use Printed bingo cards.

Follow us on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel
Entertain your video conferences with bingo
Play bingo during your video conferencing meetings using Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and Live Streams using Facebook Live or YouTube Live. Bingo Maker is integrated in the Raydiant App Marketplace and the Webex App Hub.
Play 4 cards in one screen
Virtual players can play with up to 4 bingo cards at the same time. Click on the numbers or use the “Click All” button to click on all valid numbers. Swipe left and right to move between cards. Follow the draws until you get a bingo.

Join a virtual bingo game
Players can join your game at and click “Join a game“. They search for your game name in the list, click join and enter the password. They can also join at the URL Card.Bingo or on your own private Bingo Page URL.
Make your own custom bingo cards
Create personalized bingo cards with numbers, emojis and words in the card squares. You can have anywhere from 25 to 3,000 bingo cards per game. Select the card options and one of the print layouts that suit your needs.

Import images around the printed cards 🖨
You can create the design of your cards and display publicity around the cards in order to promote your business or upcoming events. If you make bingo cards for a Christmas party, it could insert winter season related images around the cards.

Host a free virtual game
Host one Free Virtual Bingo Game with up to 25 players every 23 hours. You can give it a try and learn how our platform works. Log in and click in the top menu bar “Free Virtual Game“.

Host the game with the virtual bingo caller
The Virtual Bingo Caller allows you to draw random numbers as in professional bingo halls. Once the game has started, it will be displayed on the Games List page and players can get their cards. When a player clicks all the squares needed for the winning pattern, a pop-up message will appear on the screen “Bingo!”. The host will receive a notification about the winner when the bingo is coming and when the bingo is confirmed.

Live Games of Bingo
Bingo Maker presents: Grange Hall Games
Get ready for an exciting BINGO Game Night with Erik The Host. Join us every week for a fun-filled evening of BINGO, all streamed live. I recommend contacting EriK if you would like the best bingo host for your virtual meeting activities. You can watch all videos on YouTube:

Choose from 81 winning patterns
We have a choice of 81 different winning patterns for players to get a bingo. When you restart a new game, the players cards will be reset, and they keep playing with the same cards with new patterns.

Display the virtual Flashboard
Display on any screens the current and previous draws with the virtual Flashboard. You can display the draws of the game on an external screen with your board URL or QR code. You can display an images at the bottom of the board and as a background when there is no active game.

Create a private Bingo Page with link URL and QR code
You can invite your players to join your virtual bingo game on your own private bingo page. Choose your own URL and share the link or QR code with your players. Design your page with images, external links and text.

You can display images to players on the virtual cards. Modify your page as needed in order to fit your current and future games. Here is an example of a bingo page:
Free Bingo Caller ⭐
We offer a free version of the virtual bingo caller used by the Bingo Maker web application. You can make the draws of numbers and restart new games. This caller provides the same functions as the full version, but it’s not linked to the virtual cards of the game.

This caller will not validate the winners automatically, you will need to validate the bingo the old fashioned way and check the squares on the player’s card.
Display your brand on the cards
You can display your own website name on the printed bingo cards and remove our website, logo and QR code. This options is available when you create a new bingo project in the printed card options.

😀 Play Bingo with emojis 🦁 🍭 🎂
You can host a bingo game with emojis in the squares with the emoji names. You can learn new words in different languages. It is a fun way for teachers to play and learn new words in English, Spanish, French and Hindi.

We will call out the draws for you
The virtual bingo caller has a voice over feature so you don’t have to call out the draws aloud and focus on hosting your game. We have four voice over professionals for you.

They will call the columns, the numbers or emoji names during the game in English, Spanish, French and Hindi. We will eventually add other languages and voices. Enjoy!
Display the bingo board to players
With our virtual bingo caller, you can open in another window of our web browser the bingo flashboard of your game.

You can then display the flashboard to players on a TV or projector screen and follow the draws in real time.

An intuitive user interface
Cards generated with our web service will appear as a “Bingo Project” on your main account page. This system allows you to manage your project separately and create unique bingo cards. All features associated to that project allows to manage your cards and host your game.
Play on any device
The patterns for this game will be indicated on the virtual cards. There is no login process for players to get their cards, they join using a shared password or unique access codes. Players can join on the public games list page at the URL Card.Bingo or on your own private Bingo Page URL.
Free Virtual Card ⭐
If you want to simply play a card on your device right away, then our free virtual card is perfect for you. Click the squares and get a “BINGO!“.

Sign Up and host your bingo game
When you Sign Up ⭐ and create your user account, you will receive 2 free credits in order to create 25 custom bingo cards with the design and host a game with the virtual caller. You can Sign Up using Facebook or an Email with a Password.

List of web services:
Our web application is a pay-per-use service. Each function costs credits depending on how many cards you have in your bingo game. You can learn more about the costs on the costs page.
- Create custom bingo cards for up to 3,000 players per game using numbers, custom words/phrases and emojis;
- Create your private Bingo Page URL with images and external links where your players can join your virtual game;
- Create the Flashboard an display the draws to players;
- Host the game with our virtual bingo caller and validate the winners. Distribute virtual bingo cards and/or printed bingo cards to players;
- Create a codes list for players to get their cards. Manage the distribution of virtual cards that better fits your needs;
- Create the design of the cards by importing images around the printed cards;
- Simulate a bingo game with your cards and predict the outcome of a winner.
You host your game with your players, we provide the platform
The person hosting the bingo activity sets the rules of the game and manages everything from start to finish. Before hosting a bingo game, please check with the government or other relevant resources for laws and regulations. When you invite players to join your game, you make the draws with the bingo caller and reward the winners as you want. Bingo Maker is not involved in any process and is not responsible for the outcome of the game. We don’t collect money from players or give out any prizes to winners. We only provide the web platform and the technical support for our users to host their games properly. If you are a player, make sure you know and trust the person running the game. Please contact directly the person who hosts the game in order to find out more details about the password and the rules.
Thank you for using Bingo Maker

The satisfaction of our customers is at the center of our concerns. You can now make your own bingo cards and discover all the possibilities the web application offers. We hope you enjoy your experience using our web services.

– Intro
– Bingo in meeting
– 4 cards per player
– Join a virtual game
– Make bingo cards
– Design the printed cards
– Free virtual game
– Virtual bingo caller
– Live Games
– 81 Winning patterns
– Virtual flashboard
– Bingo page URL
– Free bingo caller
– App integration
– Display your brand
– Emoji bingo
– Play on any device
– Free virtual cards
– Voice feature
– Display the board
– User interface
– Subscribe
– Services
– Disclaimer
– Thanks